ΕΚΟΜΕ continues collaboration with Takorama IFF 2022


ΕΚΟΜΕ continues collaboration with Takorama IFF 2022

ΕΚΟΜΕ continues collaboration with Takorama IFF 2022

εκομε συνεργασια με Takorama 2022
Takorama 2022: Greece emerges as the 2nd country worldwide in overall participation!

EKOME has been cooperating since 2020 with the Takorama International Film Festival, the online short film animation festival for students, teachers, parents, and children from all over the world. The festival runs for three months each year, from April through June, and offers access to openly accessible and ads-free animated films, also accompanied with educational material and a variety of related activities, all readily available in 21 languages, while at the same time encouraging children to vote for their favourite film. It exists under the aegis of UNESCO and is organised by the French NGO “Films Pour Enfants“, a member of the Mediterranean Group of the UNESCO MIL Alliance, coordinated by EKOME.

During 2022, EKOME, as Takorama’s exclusive partner in Greece, has officially participated in the films selection committee and supported the promotional campaign of the Festival in the country, providing information -first and foremost- to the educational community by means of an open webinar for teachers and parents, which attracted great interest. You may watch the webinar (in Greek) here.  

εκομε takorama webinar

The main objectives of the festival are for it being a tool for education in the image while at the same time being an educational tool through the image, enhancing the use of cinematic segments and images and their incorporation in the teaching of the various subjects. For this purpose, all the 15 films of the festival, classified into respective age groups, spanning from ages 3 to 18, are accompanied by corresponding worksheets containing brief information, questions for understanding the stories, the cinematographic genres and the image production techniques involved, as well as targeted educational activities. EKOME, as it does every year, translated the worksheets in the Greek language and adapted them accordingly also adding additional references to works of literature, visual arts, and films, to make them more appealing towards the national audience.

154,912 people from 96 countries participated in this year’s Festival. Out of these, 146,573 were children, aged 3 to 18, the vast majority of whom watched the films with their teachers.

See the overall report of Takorama 2022 and the children’s awards here!

Last year, Greece was among the ten top countries worldwide in terms of participation in the festival, but his year, Greece has climbed to the second position: 2,678 children and adults in total from all over the country -even from the remotest of towns and villages- have discovered the poetic in nature and totally original visual universe of the Takorama festival and through it values such as solidarity, mutual respect and sustainable development were promoted.

See detailed data for Greece below.

Films and Study Guide from Takorama 2022 now available from EKOME

See you at the next Takorama International Film Festival! Until then, enjoy the Takorama 2022 films available online and explore the accompanying educational activities with your children or students alike! Download all the worksheets for teachers and students here (text in Greek)!

Information: educate@ekome.media

Tel: 214 4022522, 214 4027534

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