The importance of audiovisual and digital literacy
In the digital environment of the 21st century where media act as social catalysts that play a structural role in communication, information sharing and interaction among users-viewers-consumers, it is more than imperative to set up a long-term sustainable media policy reinforcing all media with advanced educational mechanisms towards a digital citizenship, a prerequisite for democracy.
Taking into consideration the European and global developments in the field of audiovisual and digital literacy, the National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication aspires to become a media and information literacy creative hub, where exchange of know-how and good practices will cater for all citizens, especially young people, students, educators, academics and media professionals towards an informed citizenry.
Audiovisual and digital literacy constitute fundamental components of media literacy that is defined by the European Commission as: “The set of technical, cognitive, social, civic and creative skills in the broad media environment” (COM 2007/833, REC 2009/625/EC, COM 2018/22). More specifically, media literacy is a wide concept that incorporates the skills to:
Media literacy addresses all media and imagery in society: Press (news literacy), photos, radio and television (audiovisual literacy), film and audiovisual works (film literacy), the Internet and new technologies (ICT/digital literacy), advertisement and marketing (commercial literacy), video-games and VRs (gaming literacy), animation, and any other expression in the digital environment that caters for a competitive knowledge society.
In addition, UNESCO approaches the field in an all-encompassing perspective, unifying the two schools of thought, that of media literacy and of information literacy, into one term: “media and information literacy (MIL)”. The new term comprises of a set of social and technical competences that foster a strong information-sharing society. EKOME endorses this new definition, recognizing that in the light of converging content delivery platforms, it is more appropriate to embrace the media and information providers mechanisms in an umbrella term.
Contact with the Audiovisual Literacy and Research Department of ΕΚΟΜΕ:
Educational Actions
EKOME carries out a series of special actions and targeted interventions aimed at strengthening young people’s critical thinking, regarding the use of digital media and visual culture.
International Student Competition For Board and Digital Games Design
The Competition invites students to reflect creatively on the school subject of their choice by engaging with game design.
Mediterranean Group UNESCO MIL Aliance
EKOME collaborates with UNESCO and the educational network of GAPMIL – Global Alliance for Partnerships in Media and Information Literacy for the creation and coordination of the GAPMIL Euro-Mediterranean Sub-Chapter.
Vocational Education and Training
EKOME is constantly developing training and education programmes for professionals (reskilling, upskilling)
Key Point
EKOME aims at becoming a national point of reference for audiovisual and Media and Information Literacy through targeted actions for media professionals, educators, students, academics and the public, in order to make full use of the advantages of the new information era. The Centre means to create a prominent international network bringing together all organisations, institutions, academics and audiovisual and media industry professionals, alongside EU and global media literacy stakeholders (UNESCO).
To that end, EKOME invites all interested parties to collaborate and establish creative synergies with the scope to develop a sustainable Media and Information Literacy policy that will put Greece on the map as an important constituent of the global media and audiovisual infrastructure.
Launch of the White Paper of EKOME on Media and Information Literacy
EKOME presents its first policy paper, the White Paper on Media & Information Literacy available in Greek & English. The White Paper is EKOME’s viewpoint on the third pillar, Education, setting out a paradigm for a national infrastructure on media and information literacy. By highlighting the main priorities in the field, the White Paper of EKOME aims to contribute to a national strategic plan and build a constructive relationship with the creative industry.