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Cash rebate / 4
What is the investment incentive (cash rebate) that is implemented by HFAC-Creative Greece?

The investment incentive (Cash Rebate Greece-CRGR) is a state subsidy given after the completion of the production of audiovisual works, when the costs of the investment plan have been audited. The rebate amounts to 40% of the eligible costs incurred in Greece.

It is underlined that the amount of the state aid implemented by HFAC-Creative Greece is not allotted in part during the production, nor in advance before the start of the production, but after the production has been completed.

Are the expenses of setting up a pilot eligible?

The expenses incurred for the production of a pilot by an investment plan included in the Cash Rebate Greece (CRGR) program do not constitute eligible expenses.

Are marketing, promotion and publicity expenses included in the total eligible production costs?

Marketing, promotion, and publicity expenses, which are costs for promoting rather than producing an audiovisual project, are not included in the total eligible production expenses.

What is a cross-border production?

Cross-border productions are co-productions involving production companies from more than one EU Member States.