Animation Training for Professionals


Animation Training for Professionals

Animation Training for Professionals

The training hands-on workshop for animation professionals “Animation Storytelling Workshop: Pitching Your Animation Project in the Global Market” that took place in Athens (26 – 29 September 2022), enjoyed a resounding success, receiving enthusiastic feedback from creators, trainers, and representatives of domestic media and creative industry organizations alike.

The workshop was organized by EKOME in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Athens and the American Film Showcase (AFS), under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Ministry for Culture and Sports, with the objective of professionally empowering participants and promoting their animation works to international audiences and markets.

The purpose of this intensive training workshop was to provide Greek animators and animation narrators with all the necessary tools for further development of their work and projects and to train them in pitching practices, to better represent their work to producers and studios, attract funding and promote to global audiences.

The workshop was honored with the presence of H.E. Mr. George Tsunis, Ambassador of the United States of America in Greece, who inaugurated the workshop, stating that “within the framework of our close cooperation with Greece, the Embassy is pleased to bring in experts from the U.S.A. to share their knowledge and provide models of good practices to help Greek film professionals develop their skills. Through workshops like this, and through corresponding educational programs, the Greek audiovisual industry will have more opportunities for future growth and will be able not only to compete internationally and attract a greater number of US and international investors from this field but also help both the domestic film production and the country’s economy reap the benefits”.

Panos Kouanis, President and CEO of EKOME, welcomed the participants, noting that “at a time when animation in our country begins to attract the interest of professionals from all over the world, the targeted cooperation of EKOME with the U.S. Embassy in Greece and the American Film Showcase aims to highlight the need for extroversion in the industry, creative content production and the abundant talent of Greek animators”.

Under the guidance of two top executives of the US animation industry, Alison Mann (CEO, BRIC Foundation /Co-President, Fourth Wall Animation) and Asalle Tanha (Senior Director of Development, Cartoon Network) and the coordination of Rachel Gandin Mark from the American Film Showcase, the program focused on how to better formulate and develop the core principle behind a project as well as the main framework and techniques of a successful promotion to funders, co-producers, and festivals. At the end of the workshop, the teams simulated project pitching in an international environment, while receiving constant feedback from both participants and trainers alike.

EKOME, the U.S. Embassy in Athens and AFS had the opportunity to showcase the training initiative at masterclass level to a large audience of animation professionals during the Animasyros Agora in September, in the context of their collaboration with Animasyros International Animation Festival.

Highlighting the global potential of Greek animation and strengthening of the domestic animation sector through education and training of professionals, EKOME continues its support to professional animators by promoting Greece as an ideal destination for the production of animation internationally.

The workshop, which is the first in a series of specialized training workshops planned by EKOME, welcomed 10 projects listed alphabetically:

1.Art Is Missing
Director: George Kontos
Producer: Marni Films- Mina Dreki

2. Eleusis, The Arrival
Director/Screenwriter: Zina Papadopoulou
Music Composer/Screenwriter: Grigoris Grigoropoulos

3. Lola
Director/Animator: Kleopatra Korai
Animator/Animation Workshop instructor for persons with disabilities: Elena Pavlaki

4. My Name is Lulo!
Director/Producer: Effie Pappa

5. Nine Lives Left
Writer: Zacharias Mavroeidis
Producer: Maria Kontogianni
Production Coordinator: Nikoleta Yeladari

6. The Garden of the Dead
Director/Scriptwriter: Katerina Kalentzi
Producer: Petros Steriotis
Chief Animator: Christos Marmeris

7. The Robot Era of the Kalikatzarous
Director/Scriptwriter: Spyros Siakas
Communication/Promotion Manager: Labrini Trivella

8. The Synthetic Age
Director/Scriptwriter: Dimitris Armenakis
Producer: Frenel

9. The Weight
Director/Screenwriter: Phaedra Derizioti
Producer: Ioanna Giakoumatou

10. Zebra’s Island
Director/Screenwriter: Alexandros Kostopoulos
Lead animator: Dimitris Savvaidis/AddArt
Producer: Ioanna Soultani/SOUL Productions


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