EKOME inaugurates the cooperation with Chania Film Festival


EKOME inaugurates the cooperation with Chania Film Festival

EKOME inaugurates the cooperation with Chania Film Festival

The cooperation of EKOME with Chania Film Festival, one of the most important institutions for the promotion of audiovisual education in our country, was inaugurated in October 2020.

EKOME participated actively in the 8th edition of Chania Film Festival (21-31.10.2020) which took place both live and online and included a rich program of screenings, workshops, masterclasses and parallel events for children and adults.

EKOME awarded special diplomas to the 14 schools that created documentaries in the framework of the Festival’s educational programs and announced the establishment of the “Walter Lassally” Educational Creation Award, which will be awarded from 2021 to a film created by students that promotes film education, historical and social issues and the active participation of the educational community. As part of the Festival’s events, EKOME has also presented its educational activities in the online meeting “Discussing Cinema at School: The Educational Programmes of CFF”.

The cooperation between the two institutions inaugurated this year includes, inter alia: the support of cinematographic and audiovisual activities implemented by the Festival throughout the year; the joint planning of audiovisual education programmes and projects on research and promotion of historical and social issues with the production of educational material; emphasis on the training of audiovisual professionals in the Region of Crete.

Chania Film Festival is a member of the UNESCO-MIL ALLIANCE “EU Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group” (GAPMIL) and participated with educational activities in the events of UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2020 (October 24-31).

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