Meet the Members of Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance


Meet the Members of Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance

Meet the Members of Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance

It is with great pleasure that EKOME announces the launch of our new Guide “Meet Our Members” (e-booklet), introducing the members of Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance. The Guide, edited and published by EKOME, contains a brief description of each member, their main actions on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and contact information.

2021 Enlargement of the Mediterranean Group

Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group of the UNESCO Media & Information Literacy Alliance, coordinated by EKOME, is now enlarged with 17 new members during 2021 from the Mediterranean region. New members come from academia, regulatory authorities, media organizations, and the creative industry covering a diverse and interdisciplinary approach on MIL.

  • AEM – Agency for Electronic Media – Croatia
  • Animateka International Animation Film Festival – Slovenia
  • Association for Promotion of Culture and Thinking Sofia – Bosnia Herzegovina
  • Athens International Children’s Film Festival – Greece
  • Cinemovel Foundation – Italy
  • Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel – France
  • Corti a Ponte International Short Film Festival – 320 section – Italy
  • Croatian Audiovisual Centre – Croatia
  • Cyprus Radiotelevision Authority – Cyprus
  • Cyprus Film Days for Children and Youth – Cyprus
  • Drama International Short Film Festival – Greece
  • Informatici Senza Frontiere – Italy
  • Kids Meet Art, Sedmi kontinent – Croatia
  • Med-Mediaeducation – Italy
  • Media What – Cyprus
  • Onassis Foundation Stegi – Greece
  • SEEMO – SouthEast Europe Media Organization – Transnational

ΕΚΟΜΕ launched a new partnership with UNESCO  for the implementation and promotion of joint actions with GAPMIL on Media & Information Literacy in October 2018. The immediate objective of this new partnership was the establishment, and coordination by EKOME, of the EU Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance (former GAPMIL), which brought together organizations and bodies from the field of media and information literacy. During these past two years, the Group developed as an expertise network with several specific action objectives on MIL, bringing together 35 members from 10 Mediterranean countries.

Moreover, during 2020 UNESCO Global MIL Week (24-31 October), EKOME launched the MIL Webinar Series  for exchange of experiences and enrichment of public discourse in the Mediterranean on the future of media and information literacy within knowledge societies.

In this context, the guide “Meet Our Members” aims at mapping actions on MIL in the Mediterranean region as well as encouraging public discourse and synergies among the members of Europe Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance. First and foremost, it aspires to establish more creative synergies with stakeholders in the field towards development of setting up a systematic action in the digital intermediated society in the Mediterranean region.

The Guide is available in English here.

Check the 2021 EU Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group Full Members List here.

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