MIL Webinar Series: the new webinar series by EKOME


MIL Webinar Series: the new webinar series by EKOME

MIL Webinar Series: the new webinar series by EKOME

EKOME launches its first MIL Webinar Series within the EU Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group based on the five Task Forces: a) promotion, b) research, c) synergies with MIL ALLIANCE (GAPMIL), d) creative Industries, e) MIL in formal education.

The webinars «Raising MIL Skills in the Mediterranean: Policies & Practices» are co-organized by EKOME and UNESCO-MIL ALLIANCE “EU Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group”, aiming to explore contemporary trends and to highlight innovative practices among members.

All EKOME MIL webinars are moderated by Irene Andriopoulou, Research, Study & Educational Programs EKOME, and Co Secretary-General of the International Steering Committee for UNESCO MIL Alliance.

1st EKOME MIL Webinar

The 1st webinar concluded on October 26, 2020, during UNESCO Global MIL Week 2020. The webinar, the first of a series to follow, launched a focused and systematic public discourse on MIL in the Mediterranean.   


Vassilis C. Karamitsanis, President of ASIFA HELLAS / Animasyros Int. Animation Festival (Greece)

Monica Duran, International Relations CAC – Catalan Audiovisual Council (Spain)

Anaïs Adriaens-Allemand, International Project Manager – CLEMI (France)

Panos Kouanis, President and CEO of EKOME addressed a brief welcome speech. 

The webinar had more than 52 registrations from countries all over the world (Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Morocco, Mexico, Cyprus, Poland).

Watch the webinar here

2nd EKOME MIL Webinar

“Media and Information Literacy is a trending topic where we need to adapt old key concepts into new media and digital realities”. With great success and 107 registrations from countries all over the world (such as Portugal, Brazil, Spain, USA, Kenya, Palestine, Finland, Hong Kong, Morocco, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland and Bahamas), the 2nd EKOME MIL Webinar “Raising MIL Skills in the Mediterranean: Policies & Practices” took place on February 3rd, in partnership with UNESCO MIL Alliance EU Sub Chapter Mediterranean Group. The 2nd webinar that was Live on Facebook with over 1700 views, focused on the challenges that arose during the pandemic with “disinfodemic – as defined by WHO – being the main challenge that MIL policies need to focus on as a cross-disciplinary approach. 


Lea Čengić, Head of content and media literacy, Communications Regulatory Agency (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 
Nikos S. Panagiotou, Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Head of DCN Global (Ελλάδα)
Antonio Román Casas,  AUPEX (Ισπανία) 

Watch the webinar here.

3rd EKOME MIL Webinar

It is imperative that teachers and educators are properly re-trained (up-skilled) within the new circumstances of home schooling and combine MIL and digital skills within digital inclusion for a “new school experience”, a new MIL pedagogical framework. Digital parenting falls within MIL remit, too. With an impressive number of registrants, 165 in total, from countries all over the world, Greece, Egypt, St Dominicus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, UK, Canada, Spain, Italy, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Croatia, Lithuania, Cyprus, USA, Russia, Japan, Ireland, India, Philippines, Brazil and Finland, the 3rd EKOME MIL Webinar took place on April, 6th, 2021 under the theme “Media and Information Literacy and Digital Skills”. The webinar that gathered over 1000 views from live streaming of EKOME Facebook and YouTube, hosted leading guest speakers in the field of digital media literacy exploring the crossing paths and the challenges embed during and after the pandemic.


Alex Le Voci Sayad, UNESCO MIL Alliance International Steering Committee co-chair, CEO ZeitGeist, (Brazil)

Alessandra Falconi, Head of Centro Zaffiria (Italy)

Cristina Pulido, Serra Húnter Professor of Department of Journalism and Communication Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)

Watch the webinar here.

4th EKOME MIL Webinar

The 4th webinar of the EKOME MIL Webinar Series was completed with a special tribute to Greece and film education by the festivals, members of the EU Subchapter Mediterranean Group of UNESCO MIL Alliance. This webinar concludes the 1st Cycle of the MIL Webinar Series organized by EKOME in collaboration with UNESCO MIL Alliance Europe Sub Chapter and the Mediterranean Annex. Through a human-centric approach with sensory and pedagogical criteria, the distinguished guests from the Children’s and Youth Festivals presented targeted film education actions and discussed challenges and emerging trends in the context of digital content development for the post-Covid 19 era. The webinar was attended by 98 participants from Greece.


Stelios Kymionis, Head of Audiovisual Archives & Education R&D Development ΕΚΟΜΕ

Maria Anestopoulou, Director of Animasyros, Int. Animation Festival

Eirini Delidaki, Department of Educational Programmes, Thessaloniki Film Museum, Thessaloniki Int. Film Festival 

Pantelis Panteloglou, Deputy Artistic Director, Olympia Int. Film Festival for Children & Young People

Matthaios Frantzeskakis Director of Chania Film Festival

Coordinator: Irene Andriopoulou, Head of Research, Studies & Educational Programs EKOME UNESCO MIL Alliance co-Secretary General

You may watch the webinar (in Greek) on EKOME YouTube Channel here

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