ΕΚΟΜΕ partners with European consortium EduMediatest


ΕΚΟΜΕ partners with European consortium EduMediatest

ΕΚΟΜΕ partners with European consortium EduMediatest

EKOME is part of the EU consortium EduMEDIAtest within funding scheme Creative Europe / Media Literacy for All (LC-01535770). With project leader CAC – Conseil Audiovisual de Catalunya and partners from Spain (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Portugal (Portuguese Regulatory Authority for the Media), Croatia (Agency for Electronic Media), Slovakia (RVR), Ireland (Dublin West Education Centre) and France (Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel – CSA), the consortium of audiovisual media and education bodies seeks to trace and assess MIL skills of Secondary Education students. Focal point of EduMEDIAtest project is an interactive questionnaire that will evaluate knowledge and competencies of the students in management of digital and screen information in the media.

Read the Press Release here.


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